• Baby's First Podcast

    Baby's First Podcast

    Bobbie's Boat Sauce hits the podwaves!
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  • The Second Sunday In May Is Coming!

    Mother's Day is coming and you know what that means...countless marketing opportunities!
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  • New Year, Newish Me

    It feels like a typo when I write 2019. Anyone else?  In the last weeks leading up to the New Year, I spent a lot of time doing very, very little.  I have come to discover that having a full-time job while launching a product into the world can get exhausting at times, especially around the holidays, and especially if you are a lazy introvert by nature.  I am fortunate that the company I work for shuts down between Christmas and New Years, which amounts to almost 2 weeks of downtime when you factor in weekends.  Prior to this break,...

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  • Hello, Cleveland!

    Welcome to the inaugural post on Bobbie's Blowhole, a cutting edge web-log format, or "blog", intended to give an entertaining account of the highs and lows of getting product off the ground.  In this case, a product invented on a sailing trip, with a mysterious name and ambiguous categorization on the grocery shelves.   My goal, and New Year's Resolution, is to post at least once a week.  Maybe in a year's time I will have enough material to option the film rights to the Bobbie's Boat Sauce Story, maybe 3 people will read this.  Hi mom!  The point, if...

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